Virtual Escape Room Experiences

Join our Virtual Escape Room Team Building Experience Today!

An epic, engaging, and fun way for companies to improve teamwork, boost morale, and build & strengthen working relationships. Does your team have what it takes to escape the room?


The Ultimate Virtual Escape Room Team Building Games


For years, escape room team building has provided a genuinely fun and engaging alternative to the conventional team building exercises found in corporate environments. Our fresh take on classic in-person escape rooms creates memorable experiences your team can enjoy from the comfort of their homes!

Through our escape room team building experiences, participants can improve collaboration, tackle challenges in a team setting, and deepen workplace relationships from anywhere in the world. With the growth of virtual work and employees transitioning to working from home, our virtual team building games provide the perfect way to build and strengthen effective teams across all time zones. The games are high-impact, cost-effective, and entertaining.


How it Works


We start planning your virtual escape room team-building activity by discussing your objectives and goals. After confirming the plan with you, we schedule a date and time to play using the teleconference platform of your choice. When game day arrives, players assemble in their virtual meeting, and the game begins.

Your team will work together to solve puzzles, follow clues, and conquer challenges to escape as quickly as possible. Our games encourage critical communication, problem-solving, and team cohesion. Your team will enjoy a fun event while developing and fostering skills that improve their professional performance.


Let’s get started


Have a large group? An important objective? Or simply want to know your options? Contact our booking specialists and we’ll take care of everything.


    Prepare to Play


    Enjoy a one-of-a-kind experience that will bring your team together and empower everyone to do their best work and be their best selves – your virtual escape room awaits!


    School for Spies

    It’s finals week at Spy Academy and the professor has gone missing! You and your class must find the clues scattered around the globe to pass your exam.

    PARTICIPANT FOCUS AREAS Research & reference Communication Information analysis Thinking with a global perspective Attention to detail Memory General teamwork


    It’s finals week at Spy Academy and the professor has gone missing! You and your class must find the clues scattered around the globe to pass your exam.

    PARTICIPANT FOCUS AREAS Research & reference Communication Information analysis Thinking with a global perspective Attention to detail Memory General teamwork

    The Winter Tail of Jackalope Frost

    ‘Tis the season to gather close your team of brave adventurers and solve the mystery of mischievous Jackalope Frost!

    PARTICIPANT FOCUS AREAS Research & reference Communication Information analysis Thinking with a global perspective Attention to detail Memory General teamwork

    The Grimm Escape

    It’s finals week at Spy Academy and the professor has gone missing! You and your class must find the clues scattered around the globe to pass your exam.

    PARTICIPANT FOCUS AREAS Research & reference Communication Information analysis Thinking with a global perspective Attention to detail Memory General teamwork

    Disco Detectives

    It’s finals week at Spy Academy and the professor has gone missing! You and your class must find the clues scattered around the globe to pass your exam.

    PARTICIPANT FOCUS AREAS Research & reference Communication Information analysis Thinking with a global perspective Attention to detail Memory General teamwork


    It’s finals week at Spy Academy and the professor has gone missing! You and your class must find the clues scattered around the globe to pass your exam.

    PARTICIPANT FOCUS AREAS Research & reference Communication Information analysis Thinking with a global perspective Attention to detail Memory General teamwork

    Puzzle Break Has Helped Over 10,000 Companies Engage, Collaborate, & Improve Teamwork. Why Shouldn’t Yours Be Next?


    Events hosted


    Corporate employees engaged


    5 star reviews

    What clients are saying


    Had a great team event with Puzzle Break! Team played Hackfiltration and it was super fun. The Game Master did a great job driving the whole process with sub-teams. The game itself is very well designed. And the entire booking process is easy and smooth. Highly recommended!


    Director of Software Enginnerig, Salesforece


    Super fun experience, the virtual escape room w/Puzzle Break is both highly challenging and fun, a great way to collaborate with colleagues and friends. I would highly recommend this to corporations for team building - exactly what we need right now!

    Sandra de Novellis

    Co-founder, Evolve Strategic Communications


    Had a great team event with Puzzle Break! Team played Hackfiltration and it was super fun. The Game Master did a great job driving the whole process with sub-teams. The game itself is very well designed. And the entire booking process is easy and smooth. Highly recommended!


    Director of Software Enginnerig, Salesforece


    Super fun experience, the virtual escape room w/Puzzle Break is both highly challenging and fun, a great way to collaborate with colleagues and friends. I would highly recommend this to corporations for team building - exactly what we need right now!

    Sandra de Novellis

    Co-founder, Evolve Strategic Communications



    What is A Virtual Escape Room?carret

    As with an in-person escape room, a virtual escape room provides participants with riddles, brain-teasing puzzles, and quests. The only difference is that they work together online towards a common goal, wherever they are in the world.

    Whether you have teams in multiple locations or are running a remote working operation, you can gather employees together in a fun space.

    How Does Virtual Escape Room Team Building Work?carret

    An online escape room uses Zoom, Google Meet, WebEx, Microsoft Teams, or your teleconference platform of choice, which makes it possible for individuals to join via video to play the games. Additionally, rather than a handful of people playing at once, you can have unlimited participants!

    Even with these larger numbers, the main challenge of a virtual escape room is to work together to solve a series of problems. Team members will lead, communicate, listen to each other, think critically, and work cohesively to emerge with a new game record.

    How Long Does a Virtual Escape Room Last?carret

    Our virtual escape room team building experiences can last either 60 or 90 minutes. However, this can vary and can be adjusted to meet the needs of your team. When we plan your game, we will finalize an expected playing time.

    What Sets Our Puzzle Break Virtual Escape Rooms Apart From Those of Our Competitors?carret

    Our team building escape room challenges are developed for people of all ability levels. Thanks to our game personalization tools, from the minute all participants log in, they will feel engaged, immersed, and excited. By the time they have completed the challenge, they will begin talking about doing another one.

    Free from the limits of physical space, virtual Puzzle Break escape rooms are able to scale for any number of participants! No matter how big or small your team, we’ve got you covered.

    A virtual escape room is perfect for businesses with teams in multiple locations or staff who are so busy they can’t organize a time for everyone to travel to the same physical location. Our goal is to make sure everyone from your company can be involved with minimal disruption to their workday and at a reduced cost.

    Do You Offer Other Options Beyond Zoom?carret

    Yes! You can experience our virtual escape rooms while using any teleconference platform you prefer. No special pre-game setup for participants is needed. All they have to do is join the meeting.

    Why is Virtual Team Building Important?carret

    Team building games improve morale, increase collaboration, and encourage creativity.

    Team building activities are often an underrated element of creating a successful business. Just because your teams aren’t in the same building does not mean you don’t need to build camaraderie, develop communication, and improve working relationships.

    A virtual escape room team building experience gives you that option. Gather your team for a fun, personalized, brain-teasing challenge that allows them to build the kind of meaningful connections that transfer to their work lives.

    Why Should You Invest in Virtual Escape Room Team Building for Your Employees?carret

    Our virtual escape games bring employees together in an engaging activity that provides all the benefits of the same real-life experience. However, they are easier to organize, more cost-effective and built to involve everyone from your company. Instead of basic get-to-know-you activities or hours spent trying to find the perfect location and date for an event, what if you let the escape room come to you?

    It’s cheaper, less time-consuming, and perfect for businesses with teams spread across multiple locations. Online escape room team building is the future for businesses looking for ways to help their employees engage with each other in productive ways. Start planning yours today!

    Can the Virtual Escape Room Team Building Experience Be Tailored?carret

    Our escape room experiences last 60 or 90 minutes. However, if you are running a networking, conference, or company-wide event, we can alter the escape room schedule according to your needs. Puzzle Break offers a portable hybrid solution for large event organizers. Learn more about it here.

    We pride ourselves on being flexible to your needs, so get in touch with our team to learn more about the options we provide for companies of all sizes. Together, we will create the most memorable and enjoyable online team-building event you have ever experienced.

    What is Puzzle Break?carret

    Puzzle Break is America’s first (and most recognized) escape room company. As a world-famous leader in the industry, we have served millions of people. We craft escape rooms for everyone from corporate teams to cruise ships.

    Each of our escape room experiences is designed to increase individual and team performance. Having established a collection of impressive real-life escape rooms, we are using our experience to craft exciting virtual escape room experiences. We are eager to provide you with an unforgettable virtual team-building experience.


    Discover the Best Online Team Building Escape Room


    Puzzle Break virtual escape room team building activities are crafted, developed, and personalized to help your company create an unmatched work culture and team cohesion that improves employee well-being and improves collaboration.

    Why Your Company Should Host Virtual Escape Rooms

    checkmark Creates connection and collaboration

    Virtual escape rooms bring people together to help them build a social circle and strengthen work relationships. The skills and communication methods in the escape room carry over to work tasks to empower staff to better work together.

    checkmark Combats the fatigue from weekly virtual meetings

    An escape room team building activity is fantastic for refreshing and refocusing the mind. During the week, back-to-back virtual meetings can become tiring and repetitive, causing employees to feel bored, disinterested, and unmotivated.

    An online escape room is a reset button for fatigue. Your employees are free to be themselves in a fun and energetic environment. They will leave feeling rejuvenated and ready to get back to work.

    The Benefits of Regular Escape Room Team Building

    checkmark Prevent feelings of isolation

    In a world so connected, it is ironic that remote employees can begin feeling isolated, lonely, and detached from work and their colleagues.

    Remote working is productive, but the loss of social interactions, water cooler chat, and shared day-to-day events can be damaging to employee mental health and business performance. Online team building activities like virtual escape rooms combat this loneliness. You provide remote workers with an interconnected experience to increase productivity and instill a sense of belonging.

    checkmark Connects disparate teams

    It is becoming commonplace for team members to be spread across the globe, due to remote working or being based in different offices. So it can be challenging to maintain a cohesive culture. Companies need innovative ways to help teams focus and collaborate.

    Bringing people together online in a virtual escape room is a great way to re-open lines of communication, and re-establish lost connections.

    checkmark Boosts morale

    Do you believe loss of connection, and mental fatigue could be holding your team and business back? Morale-boosting and bonding activities have a positive impact on productivity. A team with high morale will go the extra mile to get things done and work more efficiently together.

    A virtual escape room team-building experience is the most effective way to boost morale. The communal energy, buzz, and joy felt bring team members together like never before.

    Easy Onboarding for New Employees

    checkmark Help new employees to get to know each other

    Starting a new job can be challenging. Meeting new people, understanding office dynamics, and learning your role within a new company can be daunting. Add to that the difficulty of finding your feet while working remotely. If you don’t effectively onboard new employees, you could be setting them up to fail.

    A virtual escape room team-building experience is the perfect event to encourage your staff – old and new – to feel welcomed and connected. Placing employees in a fun social environment – where they have to communicate with one another – is the ideal icebreaker.

    checkmark Create team bonds more quickly for new departments

    Growing businesses often create new teams and departments. Teams thath have not worked together need time to: discover each other’s skills, communicate effectively with coworkers, and understand each team member’s personality. Arranging a virtual escape room team building event puts everybody together to learn more about each other. It’s the perfect kick-off for a new department.

    checkmark Creates connection and collaboration

    Virtual escape rooms bring people together to help them build a social circle and strengthen work relationships. The skills and communication methods in the escape room carry over to work tasks to empower staff to better work together.

    checkmark Uncover skills you didn’t know teammates had

    In a professional environment, many people adhere to the work of their job titles without clearly showing their full range of capabilities. An online team building escape room is more social than professional. Here, teammates step into their own and demonstrate skills such as leadership, organization, communication, creativity, problem-solving, and critical thinking.

    Someone you never expected to be an effective leader may step up and lead your escape room team to victory. Understanding the diverse skill set of your team enables you to be more versatile and creative when day-to-day issues arrive or when considering applicants for new positions and promotions.

    Virtual Escape Rooms Are Designed For Everyone

    checkmark Easy to navigate and understand

    You don’t have to be a tech expert to enjoy a virtual escape room. If you can log in to a Zoom meeting, then you’re good to go. While the puzzles and challenges are designed to be brain-teasing, the software that powers the online escape room is the opposite. The menus, controls, and functionality for inputting answers are self-explanatory, freeing participants to focus on the task and enjoy themselves.

    checkmark A seamless and smooth experience

    Playing our games is seamless and smooth. Once you have selected a game package, agreed on a date and time, and assembled your team, that’s it! From there, the rules, controls, and features of the game are clear. Everything is prepared and managed by our game coordinators whose sole purpose is to make sure your game runs smoothly.

    checkmark A collaborative game that flexes your brain muscles

    No matter how many people are involved, the difficulty of the game, or the ability of your team – two things are certain:

    1. You will need to work together with your teammates to succeed, encouraging you to communicate and work together with new people.

    2. Your brain is going to get a good workout. A range of puzzles, clues, red herrings, and correct answers will baffle even the wisest of minds. Using creative thinking to discern connections, you just might escape in record time.

    checkmark On-hand customer support

    All virtual escape room team building sessions are hosted by an experienced professional. This person walks all participants through everything they need to know before the game starts. Our staff is present throughout the game to provide hints and tips.

    We have put everything in place. All you need to do is show up, have fun, and bond with your teammates.

    Harness the Power of Virtual Connection

    checkmark Create bonds similar to those in real life

    Emails, phone calls, and virtual meetings are no substitute for the connections people make when face-to-face. However, an online escape room closely replicates a real-life experience. The engaging and social nature of the tasks helps participants feel at ease, eliminating any barriers of technology and making everyone feel as if they are in the same room.

    checkmark Encourages coworkers to work together

    In many working relationships, one element tends to be absent– a personal connection. Entering an online escape room and being encouraged to work together in a fun and entertaining environment helps build those bonds.

    Our games give a personality to the face and names of your colleagues. It allows coworkers to learn how others communicate, what skills they have, and what their personality traits are. Our clients return to the work environment with more skills to improve and solidify cooperative connections.


    It’s Time to Escape


    Together, let’s create an escape room team-building experience that will bring your team together and transform your business.