Are Escape Rooms Scary (Myths About Escape Rooms)?

May 23, 2023 by Nate Martin

A lot of people haven’t had an escape room experience yet out of fear that escape rooms are scary in some way. While most escape rooms have a fun theme, they are not meant to be scary or give any kind of a haunting experience at all. Escape rooms are meant to be a fun, team-building challenge for small and large groups to work together and solve clues to work their way out of the escape room.

Are Escape Rooms Scary | Myths About Escape Rooms

What is an Escape Room?

If you’re worried that escape rooms might be scary, perhaps it’s because you don’t really understand how escape rooms work. Escape rooms are simply a series of puzzles and clues that must be solved in order for your group or team to exit the escape room. They are more akin to a clue-based game than a haunted house. 

Escape rooms are typically located within an office space or a storefront where your group will enter one of a few themed rooms to begin solving a series of clues. If your group can work together to solve all of the clues within a specified time limit, then you will escape the room and win the game. Escape rooms have a moderator that explains how the process works and gets your team started. Typically, groups are allowed a certain number of hints that the moderator will give as well.

Escape Rooms are Exciting

To expel some of the myths about escape rooms, we can start with the fact that they are definitely not meant to be scary. Escape rooms are a fun and challenging puzzle for your brain. They bring excitement to your group and allow you to work together to understand and solve expert-created clues. They are a fun experience and are meant to excite each individual to use their strengths and contribute to the solution. 

Myth: Escape Rooms Lock You In

One of the reasons people believe escape rooms are scary is that they truly think they are locked in if they don’t solve the clues. This is just a myth and not accurate! Escape rooms are always overseen by a moderator to ensure safety and success. They don’t lock you in without any way to exit the room should you be ready to leave. The moderator’s sole job is to make sure your team and you have a fantastic problem-solving time and leave with smiles on your faces. 

Escape Rooms Myths | Lock You In

Myth: Escape Rooms are Too Hard

Many people are worried they don’t have the mental fortitude or skills to solve an escape room so they never attempt one. Oftentimes, people believe escape rooms are scary because they are worried about failing. This is definitely an escape room myth as they are meant for anyone. In fact, Puzzle Break offers a variety of room types and themes to ensure you choose one with the difficulty your group feels comfortable attempting. An escape room isn’t a place to obsess over the puzzles or worry about failing; rather, it is a chance for your team or friend group to work together and solve clues all with the idea of fun in the forefront of your minds. The challenges are meant to be fun and always have a solution. Plus, if you get stuck, the moderator will offer helpful clues to keep your team progressing.

Benefits of an Escape Room

Now that we’ve established that escape rooms are definitely not scary, we can cover what makes escape rooms so great. Escape rooms are meant to challenge your thinking, get your team to pay attention to even the smallest of details, and use your senses. In fact, some escape rooms may include noises that you must count to solve a puzzle; hidden trinkets in places you’d never think to look; and combination clues that require everyone in your group to figure them out.

Escape Rooms are Not Scary

Escape rooms are perfect for groups of friends, as a family outing, or as a corporate team-building event. They are beneficial for the following reasons as well:

  • Fun outing
  • Require teamwork
  • Encourage collaboration and communication
  • Use different skill sets so everyone can contribute
  • Boost confidence as you solve clues
  • Have fun in a group setting
  • Work together and learn one another’s strengths and weaknesses
  • Boost your team’s dynamic
  • In-person fun
  • Can be done remotely
  • Can be a hybrid experience as well where some participate from home and others in-person

Types of Escape Rooms

One of the incredible facets of escape rooms is that they have progressed as our workforce has progressed as well. You don’t have to live in the Seattle area to visit Puzzle Break’s in-person escape rooms. Your group can participate completely from home by choosing our remote escape rooms

Plus, you can opt for a portable escape room experience if you’re hosting an offsite corporate event. Both remote and portable escape room experiences are still fully moderated to ensure success and enjoyment for your entire group. These are also a great way to take the stigma off of cheesy corporate trust fall experiences and eliminate any fear that escape rooms are scary.

Schedule Your Escape Room Visit Today

Now that we’ve eliminated the myths about escape rooms, please reach out to discuss your escape room experience today. Puzzle Break invented the very first escape room and we’ve perfected the experience from there. We offer in-house escape room options for those in downtown Seattle and the surrounding areas. You can choose a theme that works for your group, based on your group size and how difficult of a challenge you would like. 

For corporate events, you can contact our experts and plan the perfect outing. Our team will determine the best option including whether you need a fully-remote experience, a hybrid option, or a portable escape room experience where we bring the escape room to you. 

Book a consultation with our experts today – we’ll discuss just how fun escape rooms can be!


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